Scientific working with metaBeratung

metaBeratung is characterized by its focus on personality, scientifically based methods and individual, tailor-made consulting.


Talent is personality in the right place

Our team is made up of consultants and business psychologists with different specializations. We collaborate with strong partners and use scientifically recognized methods. Depending on the client’s requirements, we define individual measures to identify the right personality for a specific position. Our primary motivation is to create added value for you and your company.

Do you have any questions or would you like a telephone consultation?

Mon-Fri 09.00 to 17.30

Nicole Neubauer

Nicole Neubauer


„metaBeratung bietet nicht nur ein professionell durchgeführtes/begleitetes Personality Inventory, sondern auch starke Training-Kompetenzen."

Porträt M.Reynolds 2021

Melissa Reynolds M.Sc. lic. oec. HSG

Because personality matters

There is a suitable role for every personality within a company. Whether specialists and managers require targeted promotion or teams need to be assembled optimally, we can assist with all these processes and provide individual support and advice.

How do we do this? CEO Nicole Neubauer answers these and other questions in this interview.

Consulting is our passion

We are committed to our clients and believe that every personality has a place within an organization. We are consultants and business psychologists with different specializations, we work with strong partners and scientifically recognized methods. Depending on the client’s needs, we design a tailored package of measures with the goal of significantly improving the status quo. The successes we have achieved over the years and the loyalty of our clients are what drive us forward every day.

Get to know our team

A long-standing and trusting co-operation with strong partners:

metaBeratung has been an authorized distributor of Hogan Assessment Systems personality tests in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland since 2005 and also offers Hogan certifications. As a partner of the University of St. Gallen, we support the Aiming Higher Women’s Leadership Program. Since 2016, we have also been a partner of the IMD Business School in Lausanne and run corresponding leadership development programs. Kaiser Leadership Solutions is another partner. For us, their 360-degree feedback, featuring the Leadership Versatility Index, is the ideal complement to the Hogan personality test.
